Hypernatremia (High Sodium Level)

Hypernatremia is an electrolyte imbalance, as indicated by high levels of sodium in the blood. In hypernatremia, the body contains too little water due to the amount of sodium, Mount said. This causes abnormally high levels of sodium in the blood - more than 145 mEq / L.


You may have some symptoms that cause the doctor to suspect your sodium levels. Some symptoms that can be checked by a doctor include:
  • Muscle cramps or twitching
  • Problem in running
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Hard to breathe
  • Headache
  • Swelling or accumulation of fluid in certain body parts
  • Comma
  • Lethargy


Some conditions can cause excess sodium in the blood. The specific reasons for hypernatremia include:
  •  Dehydration or loss of body fluids due to prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, sweating or high fever.
  • Drugs like steroids, licorice and some drugs to reduce blood.
  • Some endocrine diseases such as diabetes (often urinating) or cancer.
  •  You could eat a lot of salt.
  •   Hyperventilation (breath too fast).
  •   Kidney problems
  •   Rare condition called diabetes insipidus, which affects the body's ability to process     water. This is a very probable reason.

Hypernatremia Treatment

The main treatment for hypernatremia is only the filling of liquids. A person with a mild case of hypernatremia usually drinks only fluids for recovery. But in more severe cases, controlled amounts of water and a small amount of sodium are administered over a 48-hour period to reduce sodium levels to a normal range. permanent brain damage. Hypernatremia can be fatal and can cause permanent brain damage if not treated properly.


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