Anxiety Disorders: Overview, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Anxiety is a common cause of stress and can be useful in some situations. It can alert us to situations and can help us prepare and be alert. Anxiety disorders are distinguished by feelings of displeasure or anxiety and involve extreme fear or anxiety. Anxiety disorder is the most common cause of mental illness and affects nearly 30 percent of adults at some point in their lives. The. But stress can be cured and there are many possible ways to heal. Therapy is helping most people lead a healthy lifestyle. Anxiety refers to the anticipation of future anxiety and has an increased effect on muscle relaxation and avoidance of behavior. Anxiety disorders can cause people to try to exert weight or exacerbate the problem that causes their symptoms. Employment, school work and interpersonal relationships will be affected. Types of Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Generalized anxiety disorder has ongoing and excessive anxiety linked with daily activities...