Anxiety Disorders: Overview, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Anxiety is a common cause of stress and can be useful in some situations. It can alert us to situations and can help us prepare and be alert. Anxiety disorders are distinguished by feelings of displeasure or anxiety and involve extreme fear or anxiety.

Anxiety disorder is the most common cause of mental illness and affects nearly 30 percent of adults
at some point in their lives.
The. But stress can be cured and there are many possible ways to heal. Therapy is helping most
people lead a healthy lifestyle.
Anxiety refers to the anticipation of future anxiety and has an increased effect on muscle relaxation
and avoidance of behavior.
Anxiety disorders can cause people to try to exert weight or exacerbate the problem that causes their
symptoms. Employment, school work and interpersonal relationships will be affected.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder has ongoing and excessive anxiety linked with daily activities.
This anxiety and disturbances may be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as restlessness,
feeling on the edge or weight loss, difficulty in thinking. , muscle pain or trouble sleeping. Most of the
time the focus is on everyday things like job responsibilities, family health or minor issues like
housework, car repair, or scheduling.
Panic Disorder 
The main symptom of mental illness is the fear of backlash, the overwhelming combination of body
and mind. During the panic attack many of the symptoms occur together:
  • Palpitations, pounding heart or fast heartbeat
  • Sweat
  • Poison or tremor
  • Hear about shortness of breath or a sense of smell
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness, headache or fainting
  • Feels choking
  • Drowsiness or tumor
  • Chills or heat
  • Nausea or abdominal pain
  • Smart tasks
  • Fear of being out of control
  • Fear of death

Because of the severity of symptoms, many people who have been diagnosed with panic disorder
believe they have heart disease or other life-threatening illness and can go to the ER. Thinking of
panic, responding to the scary thing, or unexpectedly, happening without reason. The median age for
onset of panic was 22–23. Depression can occur with other psychiatric disorders such as anxiety
or PTSD.

Phobias, Specific Phobia

The phobia in particular is intense fear of a particular product, situation or activity is often disturbing.
Patients know they are too scared, but they cannot overcome it. These fears cause anxiety that causes
some people to go to great lengths to avoid their fears. Examples are fear of flying or fear of spiders.


Agoraphobia is the fear of a condition in which escape can be tough or embarrassing, or that help may
not be timed during panic symptoms. The fear of not following real events and lasting six months or
more and causing problems at work. A person with agoraphobia experiences this fear in two or more
of the following situations:
  • Take public transportation
  • Exposure in open spaces
  • Be in a closed place
  • Stand in line or become resident
  • Being alone outside the house

A person who is often avoiding situations, should have a partner or patience with fear or anxiety.
Failure to treat chest pain can be so severe that a person cannot leave home. A person can only be
diagnosed with a mental disorder if the fear is aggravated, or if it interferes with daily activities.

Social Anxiety Disorder/ social phobia or (SAD)

Someone who is socially disturbed has a serious problem and complains of being embarrassed,
embarrassed, rejected or looked down on in an interaction. The traumatized person may try to avoid
the social situation that leads him to the violence. Practical examples are the most common fear of
public speaking, meeting new people or eating / drinking in public. The fear or anxiety causes
problems with daily work and lasts for six months.

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

The causes of the anxiety disorders are not fully understood. Previous life events such as traumatic
events can be stressful for people who are already suffering from anxiety. The tools available can be

Medical Conditions

For some people, stress can be linked to a health problem. In some cases, anxiety and symptoms are
the first signs of illness. If your doctor thinks your anxiety may be worsening, he or she will order a
Examples of medical problems that can be linked to stress include:
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism
  • Respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma
  • Use or withdrawal of illegal drugs
  • Abstain from alcohol, antidepressants or other drugs
  • Acute or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Low-functioning lymph nodes that produce a fight or flight of some sort

Sometimes anxiety can be caused due to some side effect on some medications if.
  • You have no blood relatives (such as parents or siblings) who are under stress
  • You are not as tormented as a child
  • You do not avoid certain things or situations because of stress
  • You have sudden worries that seem to have no impact on your social life and you have no previous worries.

Risk Factors

These things can increase your risk of developing anxiety:
  • Trauma. Children who have suffered abuse or trauma or have shown traumatic experiences are at increased risk for developing stress in some areas of life. Older people who have experienced trauma can also develop anxiety disorders.
  • Stress. Being ill or having a serious illness can cause significant anxiety about issues such as adjusting yourself and your future.
  • Depression buildup. A major incident or the occurrence of minor stress in life can be stressful - for example, family death, work stress or financial stress.
  • Personality. People with certain types of personality are more stressed than others.
  • Other mental illnesses. People with other mental illnesses, such as depression, are also more likely to have anxiety disorders.
  • There are blood relatives with anxiety disorder. Depression can run in families.
  • Drugs or alcohol. Drug or alcohol use or abuse or withdrawal can be exacerbated or frustrated.


Having a stress response becomes more stressful than worrying you. It can also cause, or worsen,
other mental and physical health problems, such as:
  • Depression (which often accompanies anxiety) or other mental disorders
  • Addiction is illegal
  • Sleep problems 
  • Digestive or gastrointestinal problems
  • Headache and joint pain
  • Education is not with society
  • Problems in school or work
  • Life is not good
  • Suicide 

Diagnosis and treatment

The first step is to see your doctor to make sure that no physical problems are causing the symptoms.
If diagnosed with anxiety, a mental health professional can work with you on the best treatment
possible. Unfortunately, many people with anxiety disorders do not seek help. They did not know they
had a disease that would cure them.
While all anxiety disorders have specialities, most respond well to two types of treatment:
psychotherapy, or "speech therapy," and medication. These therapies can be given individually or in
combination. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a form of dating, can help a person learn about
different thoughts, feelings and behaviors to help with anxiety.
Medications may not be effective in reducing anxiety, but can provide significant relief from symptoms.
The drugs commonly used are antidepressants (usually for short periods of time) and antidepressants.
Beta-blockers, used for heart disease, are sometimes used to manage the body's symptoms of


There are many things that people do to help deal with the symptoms of anxiety and improve healing.
Stress management tips and planning can help. Support groups (individually or online) can provide
ways to share experiences and solve ideas. Learn more about the importance of disadvantages and
help family and friends better understand what can be done. Avoid caffeine, which can worsen
symptoms, and ask your doctor about medication.


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